Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chocolate Sauce Recipe


(1) 200 ml milk
(2) 2 table spoons sugar
(3) 2 table spoons cocoa powder
(4) 3 tea spoons corn flour


(1) Mix milk, sugar, cocoa powder and corn flour. Boil the mixture with stirring it constantly.
(2) When the mixture thickens, remove it from the flame. Cool it.
(3) It can be used as a topping on vanilla, or chocolate ice cream.
(4) It can also be added to the milk.

(1) Various ready made sauces like strawberry, peach, lichi, black grapes, etc. are available.
(2) Pieces of various seasonal fruits can be placed on the top of the ice cream with the sauce of same variety of fruit. For example, serve strawberry ice cream topped with strawberry sauce and decorate it with pieces of strawberry.

Courtesy - Aneri - My Favourite Recipe


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